Prepare for death and follow me
Behold all you - follow me
Stop here & read and follow me
All you that read with little care
Death is to us a sweet repose
Dear friends for me pray do not weep
Dear Friends for me pray do not weep
Death's like an overflowing flood
The sin of Adam's laid me lo
To you surviving ones I call
Your friend lies here, bereav'd of breath
Death like an overflowing stream
Death steady to his purpose from ye womb
Life is short, death is sure
Abraham Rice struck by lightning
John Cloyes, killed by the same bolt
the infant & ye virtuous mother
Who e'er you be that see my hearse
She left behind a pleasing boy
Silent in the cold grave my body lies
Stay reader stand and sheed a tear
Sally, that sweet & tender flower
Sweetly she sleeps beneath the sod
The memory of the just how sweet
The summons comes, no circumstance can save
Time was I stood as thou stands now
'Tis dangers great he has gone through
Tis God who lifts our comforts high
Halt passenger as you go past
Jesus my lord to glory's gone