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Granodiorite angels of Barre Vermont

Elmwood - Dr Jackson angel.jpg

Hope - G Barberi cross angel.JPG

Elmwood - Mori angel.jpg

Hope - Dente angel in a book.jpg

Hope - Lucchina angel.jpg

Hope - Brusa pensive angel.jpg

Hope - Hilferty.jpg

Vermont Augustus StGaudens home Amor Caritas.JPG

Hope - Rassi angel.JPG

Barre Hope Alfredo Columbo child.JPG

Elmwood - flower angel.jpg

Hope - Dindo angel comforting Christ.JPG

Vermont A StGaudens Robt Gould Shaw.JPG

Elmwood - McLeod weeper.jpg

Hope - Maurice bhj.jpg

Album generated by JAlbum 5.1    Copyright: Daniel Lynch